PNG to TIFF Converter

Without installing plugins, quickly convert PNG to TIFF pictures without sacrificing quality!
The free online PNG to TIFF converter can convert multiple PNG files at once. You can choose the output file size and quality to improve TIFF files. You may also change the image resolution when converting PNG files to TIFF.

Source Format: PNG TIFF

Click to load Image
Suported Files: PNG
Maximum Upload Size: 5mb

How Can I Convert TIFF from PNG?

With The Image To Text, converting PNG to BMP is simple and takes just three steps:

1. Select PNG Pictures: Drag & drop or upload your picture files into the browser.

2. Conversion Started: Select the output format you want for the image conversion.

3. Get TIFF Pictures here: Download your converted images after the conversion is complete.

Why convert?

PNG is a simple image file type that cannot do many things that TIFF can. TIFF is noted for efficiently storing vast amounts of graphic data. It also saves space because of its compression features, which allow it to drop in size while maintaining high quality. Furthermore, TIFF's substantial metadata makes it suitable for users who require a large amount of information about their files at any time.
TIFF's multipage abilities, a feature that PNG lacks, make it the ideal choice for projects with multiple-page images. Switching from PNG to TIFF is logical and beneficial if your project involves many printed pages.

When Should You Convert PNG Images to TIF Format?

Converting PNG images to TIFF format can be helpful in some scenarios. Here are some situations where you might consider converting your PNG images to TIFF files.

Increased bit depth

TIF files can have a higher bit depth, allowing for richer colors and improved image quality. If your project demands excellent color accuracy, TIFF may be a better option.

Lossless compression

PNG and TIFF provide lossless compression, meaning no data is lost during the compression process. However, TIF has more compression techniques than PNG, such as LZW, which can result in smaller files without compromising image quality.

Multipage Support

Since TIFF can handle multipage documents, it's an excellent option for storing multiple records or images in one file. If you need to keep various related photos together, TIFF is better than PNG.

Editing and Archiving

TIF is commonly used in professional settings for image editing and archiving because it keeps good quality even after many adjustments. If you intend to modify your photographs frequently or need to save them for a long time, converting to TIFF may be a suitable option.

Compatibility with specific software and hardware

Some applications or hardware may require or perform better with TIF images, especially in professional situations. If you need to use an application or device that requires TIF images, you should convert your PNG files to TIFF.

Real-Life Use Cases for Online Converting PNG to TIFF

Here are 12 real-life examples of converting PNG to TIFF using an online converter:

Photography Professionals

Photographers often deal with high-quality images that require the maximum resolution for printing or editing. These files are usually used online. However, TIFF files are better suited for printing or thorough editing. Photographers may maintain image quality when converting from PNG to TIFF and do extra edits using Adobe Photoshop.

Graphic Designers

Graphic designers often convert photographs into multiple formats based on their clients' requirements. When working with logos designers, they may begin with a PNG file. However, a TIFF file is preferred for print or large-format designs because it maintains picture integrity at greater resolutions. Using an online converter makes this move simple.

Medical Imaging

TIFF has become popular in the medical field because it can store detailed and high-resolution images, especially in medical imaging (MRIs, X-rays, and so forth). PNG images, such as scans or pictures, can be converted to TIFF by administrative staff or medical experts to increase clarity and accuracy when sharing or printing them for reporting or diagnosis.

Architectural and Engineering Firms

Engineers and architects usually require high-resolution, detailed photos for schematics, presentations, and blueprints. Converting from PNG to TIFF is desirable and required when submitting designs to clients. TIFF files provide the detail and scalability needed for precise measurements.

Publishing Houses

Publishers with printed items such as books, magazines, or catalogs frequently require high-resolution photos. PNG to TIFF conversion ensures that images print crisply and clearly, preventing detail loss that might happen with lesser-quality files.

Art galleries and museums

Museums and Art galleries that digitally archive artwork need high-resolution photos for print and digital displays. Converting PNG to TIFF preserves the exact characteristics and colors of digital artwork, making TIFF the ideal format for long-term storage and high-quality printing.

Advertising agencies

Advertising firms often handle large print and digital marketing campaigns. Converting PNG files to TIFF offers greater adaptability when creating things for several platforms. The TIFF format ensures quality for all mediums, including flyers, billboards, and online ads.

E-commerce Platforms

Photographers who need to edit and publish high-resolution photos choose BMP files. By converting PNG to BMP, photographers can ensure their photographs are acceptable for large-scale printing without sacrificing any details.

Texture Mapping Game Developers

E-commerce websites usually use high-quality photos for product listings. While PNG files are great for web display, TIFF files are better suited for offline catalog production or large-format printing. After converting from PNG to TIFF, product images will always be clear and detailed, enhancing the quality of printed materials.

Real Estate Agents

They use property photographs in both digital and physical brochures. While PNG files are commonly used online, agents may convert them to TIFF when making printed brochures or billboards to maintain high-quality visuals and impress buyers with detailed property pictures.

Legal documentation

Lawyers or legal experts who need to retain the quality of images in documents, such as evidence photos, can convert PNG to TIFF and print them at high resolution. TIFF's lossless compression means no data is lost during the conversion, making it ideal for sensitive documents.

Print shops

Print businesses often deal with clients who need high-quality printed materials, like flyers, banners, and posters. A crucial step in getting artwork ready for printing is converting PNG images to TIFF. This assures that the final product will be clear and attractive, with no pixels or loss of quality.


Mapmakers and cartographers who build digital maps frequently work with PNG files. However, when printing maps or constructing huge wall displays, converting them to TIFF guarantees that small details like borders, labels, and geographic features are kept for aesthetic and functional reasons.
At the image to text, our converter offers a simple yet effective solution that ensures your photographs retain their optimum quality. It gives you a competitive advantage in any project you're working on.

PNG to TIFF conversion FAQ (FAQ)

When you need to convert PNG to TIFF, and you need high-quality, uncompressed photos, TIFF is a very versatile format. It is used for high-quality picture applications such as professional printing and archiving.

Indeed, our converter supports transparent PNG images, and the transparency is preserved when converting to TIFF. Maintaining the quality of images featuring translucent or semi-transparent parts is crucial.

Converting PNG files to TIFF format requires no particular skills. Upload a PNG file, select Convert to TIFF, review the resultant TIFF picture, and then download it to get started..

Our converter typically creates uncompressed TIFF files. However, if you have specific compression preferences, it is recommended that you alter compression settings after the conversion using dedicated picture editing tools.

While there is no set resolution restriction, extremely high-quality PNG images may result in bigger TIFF files. Consider modifying the resolution settings before conversion based on your intended application for best results.

Yes, our PNG to TIFF conversion service is free for everyone. TIFF format offers excellent image quality.

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